Sponsor a Child with $30 a Month

Sponsor a Child with $30 a Month

Afritoto Child Sponsorship gives an opportunity for needy orphans, street children & unfortunate children to get an education, meals, medical care, clothes, accommodation & counselling.
Raise fund for RINIFA Rural Farmers Tractor

Raise fund for RINIFA Rural Farmers Tractor

River Nile Farms & Aquaculture farmers living in the poor rural communities are being trained into commercial farming in bid to eradicate poverty. We need a tractor to support local...
Completion of School Classroom Block

Completion of School Classroom Block

Education gives us a knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something better. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build...
Raise Fund for Clean Water Borehole/Well

Raise Fund for Clean Water Borehole/Well

Clean water is not readily available to some people. Water is a basic need which every human being needs. With your donation we shall be able to provide clean water...
Raise Fund for Oasis Medical Center

Raise Fund for Oasis Medical Center

Running a pilot project 2019/2022 to build a fully staffed & well stocked medical facility in Busaana - Kayunga district in Uganda where villages can't access quick and affordable medical...
EFCU Household Micro Loans of $100-$1000

EFCU Household Micro Loans of $100-$1000

Recurring Micro loans will eradicate household poverty. Here’s a 'Real Opportunity' to invest into 'Real People' with micro-loans of between $100-$1000 per household...